No intro, (of course welcome) straight into the lessons!
What to expect, what's next; what you do, what I do
Industrial - Internet - Social Ages, which we are in & which we conditionally remain in
As we depart old eras into new ages, Unpacking how we operate and function is critical.
Today's new marketplace communicates & learns differently
The dynamics of Vision - System - Schedules in the Social Age
The market no longer "buys being sold to," they now engage in what they see
Once Unpacked, time to Audit what we have to work with (start with you)
Once Unpacked, time to Audit what we have to work with (next to friends)
Once Unpacked, time to Audit what we have to work with (onto work)
Wrapping the audit all together
How to present to the Social Age Consumer: Their Behavioural Character
Engaging your audience with the power of primes
The Audit Unpacks the elements - time now to Stack, Clarify, Categorise them
A collection of activities to asset current / forecast performance
Extensive review of the position in the market.
Current and Future Objectives within the current and future markets
This stage in 3 clear sections.
Defining and aligning to the social market and social consumers "pitch preferences"
Social Alignment will demand alternate packaging
Pitch, Package on to Positioning for social age consumer engagement
Stages 1-3 are collating Industrial and Industry age approaches. Now let's Align to the Social Age
Identifying the current trends of the social age
Identifying the current topics of the social age
Setting out the "how to" of execute the in demand social ages techniques
Continuing to build a social-age-equipped business model
Taking the stacked elements of your entity and repacking them
Develop the attributes (video/podcast/other)
Deliver and position assets within the business/sales/marketing models
Finalising the social age audit into executable outcomes
Confirm and commit to plans, tactics, timeframes
Creating the systems, schedules and dependancies
Evaluating, monitoring and implementation
50% Complete
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