No intro, (of course welcome) straight into the lessons!
How to: get around the class, lessons & modules, return to where you left of, select which lesson & when you need it
What are the 5 critical elements in speaking that has people deeply listening to you
Customers are now Consumers, so how do they, we, all “consume, learn & absorb” information
Great communicators & speakers command your attention through their confidence
How you present to a person, group, room or auditorium, determines the confidence in any situation
The 3 keys to your confidence when speaking (ANYWHERE)
Understanding the 3 keys and how to deliver with Confidence - Content - Competence
Attending a speaking event is to give up time, sometimes some money. Content, the single most important R.O.I. to an audience
Let's DEFINE who we're playing with!
What audiences both large, small or just one person want (and don't want)
The 3 R's of content sources; right in front of you
The audiences 3 Learn Motives; how to use these to influence & engage;
How these 7 match to the your A.S.S.U.R.E. model to secure customer's confidence & engagement in you
Confidence, Content, of course, but without the competence to deliver it pre, at and post the event, you are missing what's expected
Step-by-Step; organised delivery both in words, and images is critical
Where to source credible content, how to develop your theme, a presentation branding
How to story tell in sequence placing calls to action and content delivery throughout
How to use your 2 great assets to amplify your confidence, content and competence.
What we see and how we hear collectively creates MASSIVE emotional connection
The windows into everyone's soul, including you as the speaker. 3 keys to "visual connection" with the audience
2 key phrases that convey warmth, empathy and engagement, without interrupting your flow.
Merging the power of your story, your voice, with the amplification of these 3 movement elements
Tonality, speed, pausing, resonance, amplification...all encapsulated into these 3 keys
How a story is built from the heart up. Where to "tell" from and where to" impact" and "teach" from
Speaker movement does not require stage positioning only. Here, Steve sits in a chair and shares movement and storytelling tips.
For great communicators, movement is not just stage positioning, of body and or voice. It's a symphony of much more.
Identifying ALL the elements of masterful communicator movement
What is the past and future for the audience; how subliminal confusion can have your message missed
For the great storytellers, this is critical
Centre stage is not all show, it is so so much more powerful for the audience than that
Combining stage positioning to make dramatic and emotive impact
Linking all the stage (or in front of camera) positions into 1 key powerful tool
Great stories are not static, but released and expressed with the subtly of body, voice, heart and soul movement
Output from a Sydney Intercontinental event I attended. Analysis, strategies and tactics for your next event.
Let's DEFINE how we score to win
Overview of event speaking; the 3 critical audience triggers to focus on
Lessons from Adele and other stage icons regarding "moves" that emote & trigger an audience
How screens can be your best asset or biggest distraction
Most speakers confuse their audience without knowing -- do this instead
The evolving trend is to document, not present. Keeping it real starts with what's "behind the 4th wall".
Eye contact, movement, confidence, energy, passing the banton. Strategies to create an impacting Q&A.
Behavioural consumption of content rules today. How to present and play to limited attention spans
Addicted to Distraction, short attention spans, why smartphone behaviour is an asset to the art of speaking
These 2 videos are from the archive. Emotion and Logic ,we've all heard it before, but here's my "behavioural marketing" take on it for speakers
Let's DEFINE this playground!
Ask 100 people this question. The answer is an eye opener to humanity's behaviour...a key tool for communicators
What's beyond benefits and how to mine for the precious asset of emotion in them
50% Complete
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