No intro, (of course welcome) straight into the lessons!
Customers are now Consumers, so how do they, we, all “consume, learn & absorb” information.
How to: get around the class, lessons & modules, return to where you left of, select which lesson & when you need it
Crating a story, fictional, non-fictional, training content. Authority comes through powerful storytelling.
The 4 Whys that motivate your readers
The cross reference checklist - Motives to learn vs. Why we want to
Capturing the 6 elements of your story (how you assure people) & aligning them to people's "why"
A sequenced 3x3x3 list of the psychology of crafting your content (book-pdf-brochure-video script)
Great storytellers master these 3 keys, knowing to tell from two, teach from one
Capturing, listing, packaging up for your content, then recording it in sequence
Taking the 9 must have elements and breaking them down in voice notes
Simple tips, strategies and tactics to record audio for transcription
Reconnecting to the 4 Whys people want to learn and the 4 Motives that keep them committed
Too many people tell me they don't know where to find content - here are my recommendations
A simple tutorial on creating a voice note
We've packaged the content, connected to the audiences, Why and Motives. Now, let's create the content.
Tactics I use to create my books. Simple, concise, time savers
We interviewed several top transcribers to find out their Top 10 list that attracts the best
From the front cover to the back cover, what are the top 10 (applies to books - video - PDF content also)
Again, we interviewed top proofers to identify what they look for in accepting the top jobs.
Using visual imagery for flow, impact and engagement in your content
Placing your book - content into the online world
My take on the best practice to share and release your message
50% Complete
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