No intro, (of course welcome) straight into the lessons!
Quick introduction to how people, your consumers, absorb and learn.
How to: get around the class, lessons & modules, return to where you left of, select which lesson & when you need it
The marketplace is about business. For Stephen, "the arena" is where we do life. Live | Work | Love | Play.
Let's DEFINE this playground!
UPDATE: knowledge - digital now Social Age - what is it, how you live & work in it
Consumers no longer customers. How they behave, how we connect & engage them - critical!
The tools (smart devices, etc.) constantly change, behaviour characteristics do not
These 5 are human traits, not digital age traits. Human-2-Human remember
We share "the arena" with community we do life with, the humanity we share it with.
Let's DEFINE who we're playing with!
Mapping out how the 98% average deal with stuff, the 2% elite see big picture
We begin to build your "story" your personal brand elements.
A quick lesson on how to build the storyboard, using my story
Where does your expertise come from, and it is not what you do!
Linking what I do today as a global visual leader to my towers.
The game is the Stress, the Chase, Being Human and what's stuff happened and what meaning we assign to it.
Let's DEFINE what's new!
The 1st stage of change is Awareness. What is & how to manage Stress.
3 Simple daily questions. Looking Up, Forward & Chasing. Answer these please!
Neural Pathways in the brain, Chemical Callings in our body. What's the Magic & Why you need to know!
What meaning you give to things, places Pain | Pleasures | Presumptions on how you Learn.
Today, near everything feels new (at speed). Understanding How you and those around you Learn is a must have Now!
We confuse the Rules with all things "Smart!" these days. Yet it's as simple as 7 Decisions, 6 Guardians, 4 Questions. Ready?
Let's DEFINE the win
Andy Andrew's great book outlines these 7 Decisions. I turn them into tangible tools on how to apply them professionally and personally
Apply these 6 Guardians into every aspect and situation. Work, Private, Romance, Friendship...literally life guardians
There are 2 types of Response to any Stimulus. Fear and Abundance. These 4 questions help setup & manage your response
We're addicted to tactics (what to do), but the strategy of doing work and life is always "left behind."
Let's DEFINE your strategy!
Conversational Commerce | Community Building - today's market demands your story. Create it here!
Let's tie all of this together. Creating Balance through Awareness, not of just you, but All that's Around you
What I Learn from a Master Storyteller on not learning but Applying these two definitions
Games, Rules, Players, Scores & Strategies. In any "match" those who burn - engage - are fearless - most always with the match
Let's DEFINE how we score to win:
The Elite performers "burn the boats" - what 5 things Benefit you from doing this...and have You ever?
Storytelling, Personal Branding, it's all about being Engaging, Personal Dignity.These 6 Mandates!
When I was first taught this, it made me aware of the Painful Origins of Opinion. Enjoy and apply this Now
Life, Personal or Business is always a "Match Up" are clues to Winning the ultimate match up
50% Complete
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