In this High Performsnce Horizon Session, I discussed the traditional marketing model of decades that has evovled today into a business model must for survival.
#8 Horizons: Passion Filled Products
Hi, my name is Stephen De Sede. Welcome to Horizons.
I want to talk very simply and very specifically about "then" and "now".
It's in the classic marketing piec:
of create a product
set a price for it
find a way to place or placement of it,
go and promote it,
then find some people to buy it. And that's specifically put very small and right at the bottom.
Businesses in the past and successfully so because they were able to, could create a product, set a price for it, place it somewhere, promote it, and then go hunting for people to buy it.
Today, now, all of that has changed.
Businesses now become very much set and think of the biggest businesses in the world right now, and then think of your business. Your philosophy as an entrepreneur or a small business owner, think of these 4 and how valid and relevant to you are they.
Successful businesses today:
have the passion in what they do and who are they trying to serve as number 1.
Then immediately after, who are the people they're trying to help
What passion have they got that they can engage.
They create a product that supports the people they're trying to help based on their passion, plus the organisation's passion.
Then and only then that they start to create a philosophy and structure around how do we generate a product.
Business in the past left people until the end, businesses that are successful today have passion and people at the beginning. And here's the real big take away, people at the end to buy what I've got based on what my price point for it is.
Today, people are engaging, the passion, the people, and this thing called "product", which generates the business profit.
So my question is very specific to you from a high performance point of view.
Are you trying to engage people?
Have you noticed today that more people are sharing on the web than searching on the web? They're sharing about the experiences of the business and actually then generating success for that business.
Does your business model fit this or fit this?
How passionate about your people are you and how do you create products based on your people and that passion and then wonder why your profits and profits for businesses who have this philosophy are soaring.
Pretty simple stuff. Super powerful. I'll see you in the next video.
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